Merry Christmas from the Frosty Frizzell's
Congrats Phil
looks like you guys were having fun in El Guapo! Hope everyones Halloween was good and fun cant wait to see some pictures of the party, Im sure someone decorated a vw. heres a pic of ours(containing a vw of course) we have other pics at
Randars Randars Everywhere
Hey Dev.... you might be right except the 17" randars that Jeff and I have require some serious mods to fit under the bus or bug. I had 4 major mods on the Goblin and I believe Jeff had about as many. There is a 15" randar available but we didn't think it had as much impact as our 17"s
Wish you guys were around so you could come to the DKK Halloween party this weekend. We'll be sure to lift one on your behalf.
Wish you guys were around so you could come to the DKK Halloween party this weekend. We'll be sure to lift one on your behalf.
Did you guys find a clearance sale on Randars?
watch out or they'll get played out like BRM's ! Really both the Tiki and the GG look real happy with their new bling bling shoes
another non vw -but german/aircooled post from Devin
Hey guys, just let me know if these are inappropriate topics - i try and stay with the German /aircooled themes- hey at least Im posting right!
If you dont know, my mom and her husband have taken to the road once again- this time on 2 dual sport BMW bikes. this trip is looking to be a 6 month trek, if you want to check out their blog here is the addy
his bike is a 2009 GS 1200 adventure (aircooled opposed)
hers is a 2009 GS 650 (H2O, but still cool)
Happy motoring!
If you dont know, my mom and her husband have taken to the road once again- this time on 2 dual sport BMW bikes. this trip is looking to be a 6 month trek, if you want to check out their blog here is the addy
his bike is a 2009 GS 1200 adventure (aircooled opposed)
hers is a 2009 GS 650 (H2O, but still cool)
Happy motoring!
Passing of Sterling Wagner
Sterling Wagner and his wife Shirley are members of the HHI Bug Cub were/are wonderful people and major VW nuts like all of us. They are the proud owners of BEETLEJUICE a best of show 70s bug that has attended numerous shows with us. I first met them about 10 years ago. Sterling had been ill for some time but I'm sure Shirley is at a loss. I've asked Nick to let me know when they plan to have the "celebration" for Sterling and perhaps we can all caravan over to HHI and pay our respects as only VDubbers can.
Waited Too Long!
Green Goblin Homecoming
Four DKK Families so far: Patterson, Stewart, Fabris, Johnson (10 people)
Any More? Get your hotel NOW!!!
Preregistration deadline Oct 30th. I have more show applications if needed.
Main caravan will leave Friday afternoon from the "Js"- time TBA
Any More? Get your hotel NOW!!!
Preregistration deadline Oct 30th. I have more show applications if needed.
Main caravan will leave Friday afternoon from the "Js"- time TBA
October 24 Local Event
DKK, Our club has been invited to participate in an event at the new Garden City City Hall located on Dean Forrest Rd. across from Southbridge. Date: Saturday, October 24th 2009 HOP CHOP. Bar-B-Que cook-off competition. They need a head count for food, I guess. Not a car competition but a show and shine. Sure to be other cars from other clubs there too. They sent me a form but didn't say when they need it back. If you are interested, email me asap and I will let them know if we are coming. I cannot attend...have to work in Raleigh, NC that day.
Goblin Update
The Green Goblin is out of major surgery and headed to Autohaus for reassembly this Friday. It has been a long but fruitful ordeal. The Goblin has never looked better. Low Country Collision (Nick, Will, & Steve) worked almost 5 months to iron out every issue. I can highly recommend them for your next restoration project. Autohaus (Jeff) also took a very active role in mentoring LLC through all the nuances of our VW treasures. We should be back on the road soon.
Welcome Steve Fabris and Family
DKK welcomes Steve Fabris and Family as our newest members.
For those that were not able to join us last night, we missed you and you missed a nice outing. The weather was perfect and conversation was lively.
We had two guest cars join us...WH Johnson (68 Double Cab) and Scott Reynolds (Super Beetle on Air)...Thanks for attending.
For those that were not able to join us last night, we missed you and you missed a nice outing. The weather was perfect and conversation was lively.
We had two guest cars join us...WH Johnson (68 Double Cab) and Scott Reynolds (Super Beetle on Air)...Thanks for attending.
This Sunday
Meet for dinner at Ken and Candy's BBQ Sunday at 5:00. If anyone wants to meet somewhere else and cruise over there, please offer some suggestions. Otherwise, we'll meet there at 5:00. Hope everyone can come.
Ken and CAndy's is on hwy17 at Chatham Parkway.
Ken and CAndy's is on hwy17 at Chatham Parkway.
Jim, I thought we all discussed the Oct 17 Charleston vs. the Hinesville Oktoberfest this past Sat. We decided against the Charleston show.....didn't we? Why list both shows on the same day as DKK events? You are also not too clear on "When" the seafood Richmond Hill park or Melborne, FL shows are. Are all four on the same day Oct 17? Please clarify.
DKK OktoberFest Event
The next official DKK event will be to attend the OktoberFest event in downtown Hinesville.
Specifics: Saturday, October 17 Meet @ the WalMart on US17 @ 8a.m. Gas up and depart at 8:30 a.m. Arrive in Hinesville approx. 10a.m. Park in front of the German Restaurant-Zum Rosenhof. More details later. This is not a competition show. Just a fun day of German Food, Spirits, and Music.
Thanks again for the birthday cake today. At least my Oval is older than me!
Specifics: Saturday, October 17 Meet @ the WalMart on US17 @ 8a.m. Gas up and depart at 8:30 a.m. Arrive in Hinesville approx. 10a.m. Park in front of the German Restaurant-Zum Rosenhof. More details later. This is not a competition show. Just a fun day of German Food, Spirits, and Music.
Thanks again for the birthday cake today. At least my Oval is older than me!
Checking the interest in attending the Florida Bug Jam Sunday, Nov 8th. The usual deal is to drive down late afternoon on Friday. Attend events around Tampa on Saturday (Bulli Brigade, various open houses). Bug Jam on Sunday. Return Sunday afternoon/evening. The hotels dry up pretty quick so if we want to reserve a block of rooms, now's the time.
If you have never attended the bug jam, bring lots of $$ for all the cool stuff for sale, and a camera to take pictures of the 400+ VW in attendance. Check out the web page.
Please return an email with your "yea or nea" and the number of people and VWs that might be going. I can borrow a pretty nice trailer custom made for VWs if someone would like to drive a chase vehicle....just in case.
I've only heard from 2 DKKs on the Oct 17 Charleston event. IS THAT IT???
If you have never attended the bug jam, bring lots of $$ for all the cool stuff for sale, and a camera to take pictures of the 400+ VW in attendance. Check out the web page.
Please return an email with your "yea or nea" and the number of people and VWs that might be going. I can borrow a pretty nice trailer custom made for VWs if someone would like to drive a chase vehicle....just in case.
I've only heard from 2 DKKs on the Oct 17 Charleston event. IS THAT IT???
Ever seen sparks fly around your engine bay look closely
Sparks fly in the night take a look at your electrical stuff in your engine bay. Another satisfied customer using Brad Penn Green oil change your today and feel the difference. PS WILL NOT I REPEAT WILL NOT STOP OIL LEAKS ONLY A GOOD ENGINE BUILDER CAN DO THAT AND LOTS OF CARE>
Great Job!
Isn't Jeff doing a great job on the bus project. This ride will be too tricked out when its all done. We should be rolling it over to the paint/body shop soon.
The Goblin is in the paint booth now. Won't be long before he is tearing up the streets of Savannah again. Look for pictures soon. We hope to have him ready for the Charleston Show on October 17th. Hope we will have more DKKs to drive up with us?
The Goblin is in the paint booth now. Won't be long before he is tearing up the streets of Savannah again. Look for pictures soon. We hope to have him ready for the Charleston Show on October 17th. Hope we will have more DKKs to drive up with us?
Steering box raise
Girls gone VW wild
don't know
don't know about the shaft but snowey did't seem to interested had a great time in hinesville isure hope our host emails some of the pictures they took did't see any rain the whole trip but it was so hot the ground was sweating up
Go Brad Penn Dont be an old goat
Herbie out of control tearing up the streets again your children are not safe
Herbie tearing it up at Moes.
VDubber Gathering Saturday
DKKs and Guests: VDubber Gathering
Saturday, August 9
5:00 p.m.
MOE'S Southwest Grill
Saturday, August 9
5:00 p.m.
MOE'S Southwest Grill
Goblin Redux
Update: Looks like the Goblin might be going into the paint booth this week! He got fitted with his new shoes this morning. Congratulations to the Ragtop family's new addition.
New Family member!!!!!!
Lowered bus suspension
Type 4 Hype buy into it now.
Autohaus std ops
From hence forth all engines shall be big block type4 with solid lifters
Jeff you be a happy camper come shortly after friday. talk to you soon.
anyone who is not running Brad Penn by now is a rotten egg
Jeff you be a happy camper come shortly after friday. talk to you soon.
anyone who is not running Brad Penn by now is a rotten egg
Sound Clip
Hey Jeff, Cool post. How about more than "1" second of sound. Really cool to see it running.
Hey Dev, No issue with me....Jeff is just trying to stir something up. He's attempting to deflect attention away from how looooooong it is taking to get the Goblin completed. Granted, we are at the mercy of the body shop but I have to keep pressure on know? Actually, we are R&Ding some interesting new mods for this rebuild which will probably become standard op for Autohaus in the future?

Sounds like someone got there chain pulled. Thats funny mark the last i heard you where going to an electric motor and smart car rims and tires what happen to that. I know how fond you are of electrical workins. Later tater last one to the paint shop huh loses. PS Dont forget to order your Brad Penn oil today and get that summer tune up before it gets real hot.
Response to Dev
Somebody's smokin' something up there in Idaho!!
I'm actually installing 17" Randars with low-profile tires. Jeff is working out the fitment issues now. I'm also adding a vert "W" deck lid in the back to help get the air moving around the 2280 beast. We are also cleaning up all the rear wiring, hiding it all inside the car for a cleaner look.
I will post some photos when available. Hope you guys are doing well? Oval J
I'm actually installing 17" Randars with low-profile tires. Jeff is working out the fitment issues now. I'm also adding a vert "W" deck lid in the back to help get the air moving around the 2280 beast. We are also cleaning up all the rear wiring, hiding it all inside the car for a cleaner look.
I will post some photos when available. Hope you guys are doing well? Oval J
Reply to the Naked Goblin
I like your new wheels! Mark thats a good look for her, I think you should just primer black it paint those new wheels red, Rake it, do your hair in a pompadour, and start smoking lucky strip\es
That Sucks!
Sorry to see this happen to someone else. I know it is no fun watching it burn up in front of you. This is a fraternity you don't want to join!
Electrical Dead Shorts

This is my 01 Jetta,
Or whats left of it, It had an Electrical Dead Short Somewhere behind the dash..
Did not find it but got a good idea where it was from the direction of smoke coming out of the dash.
This was declared a Total loss.
Remember, shorts of any kind are bad and could lead to this. Don't put it off! get it fixed!!
Call Jeff at Autohaus.
Broken Long Brake Line / KEEP IT CLEAN
Got Sliders
New Posts Need!!
Where are all the DKK posts? 1 or 2 new blog posts every 3 weeks is terminally boring. Where is everybody??
Raised steering box
AC Stuff
Tell your friend to email me and I can talk him through the order process. He can check out Ed's web page at I will need to know what type of carburation he is using. This determines the type of brackets. Also recommend ordering the evaporator in primer for painting. Unless he likes the black plastic look? I didn't think you guys need AC up there?? Tell Rachel and the girls "hello" BTW-I checked on the GG yesterday. They have decided to take it all the way down to the original metal and build back up before painting. It will be even nicer than before. Jeff has ordered about $4000 in new engine parts. Not sure when it will be back on the road so I'm focusing attention on finishing the garage and the bus.
Tell your friend to email me and I can talk him through the order process. He can check out Ed's web page at I will need to know what type of carburation he is using. This determines the type of brackets. Also recommend ordering the evaporator in primer for painting. Unless he likes the black plastic look? I didn't think you guys need AC up there?? Tell Rachel and the girls "hello" BTW-I checked on the GG yesterday. They have decided to take it all the way down to the original metal and build back up before painting. It will be even nicer than before. Jeff has ordered about $4000 in new engine parts. Not sure when it will be back on the road so I'm focusing attention on finishing the garage and the bus.
bum knee
give phil a call to cheer him up he might have to have surgery on his knee had about 35 cars at moe's on sat 2 vw's andmark and family some mustangs corvettes and the mopar club great buntch of people remember you don't have to drive your vw's to enjoy friendships
Sorry Jim
Been busy with our garage redo and work. Also don't have any VWs to drive at the moment. Glad to see some posts going up on the site!!
Camp Trip on the middle fork of the Boise River
About 50 miles down a winding dirt washboard of up and down mountain driving! Fun Fun Fun!!! 3 day camp trip with the girls
Found rebuilt motor
car show
car show this saturday in statesboro at the fairgrounds on hwy. 67 devin said something about pictures of marks garage my computer must not be working right i didn't get them i 'll have to try to get time to go see it what's this about another vw club i thought we were the only around moes cruise in's are doing great but we would love to see more dkk members besides myself, ellodee,jimmyand phil
I stupidly posted a comment on the other clubs forum page. Big mistake. I'm done messing with them!
Excel - actually open office
=AVERAGE( VW1:VW2)> 60%
anyone an Microsoft Excell wizard?
I want to set up a formula that will average the manually input percentages of 2 separate and potentially different cells (easy) --heres the tricky part , I want to assign percentage value importances e.g.: cell number one will have a 60% percentage wieght in the average and cell number two will have a 40% percentage wieght in the average. cell number 3 will be the formula cell and will automatically calc the avg however based on the wieghts.
i could tell you that this was VW related.....but i would not be telling the truth.
if someone helps me with this i promise to never post non vw stuff just stumped and i can find anything to help.
I want to set up a formula that will average the manually input percentages of 2 separate and potentially different cells (easy) --heres the tricky part , I want to assign percentage value importances e.g.: cell number one will have a 60% percentage wieght in the average and cell number two will have a 40% percentage wieght in the average. cell number 3 will be the formula cell and will automatically calc the avg however based on the wieghts.
i could tell you that this was VW related.....but i would not be telling the truth.
if someone helps me with this i promise to never post non vw stuff just stumped and i can find anything to help.
The Thing Triumphs

While in haste to get the Thing in better drriving condition for Boise, I neglected to replace the Throttle cable. Well it broke while Hot Rodding it with some Rat Rod choppers. I casually pulled over to the next parking lot and assessed the tools and parts I had to work with. I ended up with a vise grip attached to the cable, a zip tie attaching the vise grip to the pedal roller, and some bailing wire to hold the apparatus out of the way of pedal travel.
Another Evil Plot Foiled and another day on the road.
Happy Motoring
Earth Day
Well its earth day and just a friendly reminder to change your oil to the aircooled approved Brad Penn GREEN OIL yes its green do it today dont delay. Dont forget the new summer special upgrade your ignition for a limited time offer. This upgrade will create a stronger spark for a better burn and fuel return(mpg) also will make it easier to start and run cooler. Orders your today by calling Autohaus and spend a little green to get a little greener HA. PS results my vary per engine combination and customer attitude so come on you will have fun standing on the gas pedal again.

Just like to thank all those club members that brought out there cars Sat and attendend the car show. We had a great turn out of DKK representing and it was a fun time held by all. Would love to see us show up as a club to a major VW event in large numbers to take over someones next event. Well take care and happy motoring in thoses Vdubes.
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